4 Strategic Ways Brands Can Utilize Instagram’s Pinned Comments Feature

by: Mal Alder

Instagram has rolled out a brand new feature and it’s the PERFECT conversation starter! The pinned comments tool allows Instagram users to have yet another comment moderation tool. How does it work? Users can simply select and pin up to three comments to the top of their comments thread for each post.

This feature is also great for combating misinformation and online bullying. In order to combat this further, Instagram also allows users to delete comments in bulk and select accounts that can mention or tag you. It’s a great way to say goodbye to those online trolls and hello to better community building.

Looking for Instagram small business tips? Here are 4 ways you can strategically use Instagram’s pinned comments feature to further your brand’s marketing strategy:


1. Highlight Customer Testimonials

This is great for brands that post about their products. Instagram’s pinned comments feature allows you to choose the best customer testimonials to highlight in the comments section of your product post. Pinning the positive comments at the top of the thread can help discourage anyone from posting negative comments. It also allows potential customers to see how much others love your products and use them as a recommendation to give it a try.


2. Establish a Forum

Social media is all about encouraging engagement and conversation. The Instagram pinned comments feature allows you to establish a forum among your clients and customers. According to a survey conducted by Sprout Social, 75 percent of consumers say social media has empowered them to interact with brands. You should encourage this interaction and use it to your advantage! Pin the top three comments that you think will best keep the conversation going. Make sure that you are also a part of the discussion by replying to the pinned comments.

3. Answer Questions

Now you can have a Q&A sesh right in the comments of your Instagram posts! Most consumers choose social media as the preferred form of communication with brands. They can ask you questions about your products or services right in the comments of your post. Now, you’ll be able to choose the top three questions and pin them to the top of the thread. Once you answer these questions, it can serve as a FAQ for the rest of your customer base.

4. Humanize Your Brand

Don’t be afraid to take accountability. Consumers are looking for brands to take a stand on important issues. The pinned comments feature allows you to be transparent with the questions that consumers are asking you. This year, we’ve seen a resurgence in social movements specifically the Black Lives Matter movement. Various brands posted statements supporting the movement and users commented on their posts asking about actionable steps they were taking. The best thing to do is respond to their comments and pin it to the top of the thread. This shows you aren’t afraid of being held accountable. This is your opportunity to be transparent with your customers and further humanize your brand.

Looking for more Instagram small business tips? Contact Alder & Co. and we can help boost your brand’s marketing!